You get to read my comments and leave yours!
WHY am I doing this site for free? Because I love kids. I know you do too. So let's help the world together. Email me if you have a good idea. If you feel led to help, please contact me at It's the all volunteer non profit, where EVERY gift is used faithfully to help kids, and NEVER for salaries, which means I get paid in LOVE.
GomommyGo is partnering with
to help children's Character! Did you know that learning Art helps Math skills improve? Schools can get Free materials that help kids learn Art and reinforce the CA Math standards, too!
100% of the donations we receive go to projects that help children through Art and Character building materials. I know you care about kids or you wouldn't be visiting GOMOMMYGO. Visit the Non Profit that cares about Children's Character! WE SUPPORT EDU DESIGNS
People may be walking through the door via the TV, that you would never let in - in real life - influencing your kids in ways you wish they wouldn't! BUT YOU CAN CLOSE THE DOOR! Just shut off the TV or change the channel! You're in charge! Don't let the TV be the boss of you! SURE they're going to cry! But you'll cry MORE if they grow up to be people who imitate some of the bad things you see on TV!
You CAN give them something ELSE MORE PRODUCTIVE TO DO!
"JUST LIKE YOU" is a great character building book that helps kids learn not to bully or make fun of others! Plus the proceeds go to Charity!
"LET'S COUNT KISSES" is coming SOON, illustrated by fantastic Master Artist of Colored Pencil, Karen Hull!
Another Idea: Kids can Draw pictures while LISTENING to great music. It helps them become better people! LIKE this great album from Nancy Doan who started RECESS MUSIC - They are working to promote GOOD influences for kids through MUSIC! This album is GREAT! It helps kids see the good they can do all around them and is chock full of wise and beautiful thoughts to think about! I liked it so much I even wrote an article on it!
Don Weisbrod began a NonProfit for kids in Latin America way back when I was still changing my kids' diapers! When my daughter was in High School, she went to Guatemala with the youth group at church to help them out! A GREAT experience! Click on the image below to learn more about what they are doing: Welcome to Icthus:
A ministry in Latin America to equip young people ages 4-18 for Christian service and leadership.
My family is full of scientists and inventors. Why should I be any different? Just make sure you keep them away from really little kids (the magnets, not the scientists!) so they don't swallow them, OK?
Oh - and keep magnets away from TV sets, electronic games, computers and credit cards. Now that you know to be careful - go have some safe FUN!!!
One GREAT mom's collection of designs for love and creativity:
Little GooGoo s a Great way of inspiring and advocating important messages... hope and love & creativity for all of us, and our children. The idea of this brilliant mom started her own boutique of original designs available on T'shirts, and more HERE
MAFA is a friend organization helping children and the Arts!
Don't know what to wear when you're pregnant? Check out: Maternity
Clothes...Maternity dresses from Mama Apple (the nice folks who donate 5% of their proceeds to charity to help women in developing countries)
HERE ARE SOME LINKS BELOW TO SITES that I have found truly helpful:
(Please be aware that pages not located on my site are beyond my control and I am not responsible for any of their content, nor do I necessarily agree with all opinions expressed on their sites. This is the case not only with the links on this page, but with all links found on my website.)
This guide contains plenty of helpful information such as:
What sleep trainingis, why it's beneficial, and how it reduces sleep issues and helps babies develop healthy sleep habits early on.
Understanding the two most popular sleep training methods: the Cry-It-Out (CIO) method and the bedtime fading method.
Practical sleep training guides and advice, detailing babies’ changing sleep requirements and behaviours from the time they’re newborn up until they’re 2 years old.
Common sleep training questions and other useful tips and advice for parents who are looking to sleep train their babies.
"If you are going to some parties with lots of kids, check out the section on cooperative games. Most of these ideas take little or no advance planning and can be used with almost any number of children"
Women battling postpartum depression who drink to cope have a high risk of exposing their children to alcohol. As a mother drinks, alcohol gets into her bloodstream, which can transfer to the baby during breastfeeding. Alcohol consumption can have lasting effects on the baby. Find out more:
Amanda runs a site dedicated to Teachers and teachers looking to explore a Masters Degree, called Her goal is to help teaching students find all the information they need when it comes to choosing the best school for them. Thanks for helping, Amanda!
An Approved Tutor delivers high quality teaching face to face or online, ensuring stretch, challenge and engagement of students of all ages and abilities.
An Approved Tutor knows that all students have the potential to succeed and often have only one chance to succeed. An Approved Tutor knows that higher grades will result in higher lifetime earnings, life choices and confidence. An Approved Tutor knows that if a student falls behind they need help to catch up or final grades will be lower. An Approved Tutor knows that individual attention results in fast progress because the student has more focus and the teaching can be tailored to the individual’s needs More Benefits of Private Tuition ONE TO ONE TUTORING FROM AN APPROVED TUTOR IS THE SAFE AND RELIABLE WAY TO IMPROVE THOSE GRADES Our tutors have Enhanced DBS certificates, checked references and are qualified to teach the subjects they offer.
Do you already HAVE a business or something wonderful you want to share with the world? Get a rush of new clients with Christian's free tips!
If you are a good listener and communicator and enjoy being a support system for others, counseling might be a good career option for you!
Find all the resources you need at this SITE:
Parenting Tips at
Learn all the parenting tips on how to nurture a smarter kid! You can find articles, resources, library and latest parenting tips on child brain development and early child development at
Gifted Child at
Is your child gifted? You never know until you find out the characteristic of gifted children here!
Thanks to Jennifer, who is raising awareness about the effects of pressure ulcers and how they can severely affect our loved ones. She said, “I created the site as an information resource where anyone can learn all the facts about what a pressure ulcer is and how we can prevent them in our nursing homes. Thank you so much and I appreciate any effort to help me spread the word about pressure ulcers. – Jennifer”
Social Media Reviews - a site that has reviews and ratings on all of the popular social media sites and apps that kids are using. Parents share how appropriate each site is (by age), features on the site that pose risks for
Digital Safety Tips- a more general informational guide to internet safety but has specific sections on common safety concerns; it covers social media use, keeping kids safe online and password
The Sanchez Sisters Honor their MOM in their New BOOK!
Linda & Loretta Sanchez have made history in Congress not only by being the first women of any relation to serve in Congress but in their determination to improve children's lives by active involvement in the issues vital to all families. I heard them speak candidly about the values and traditions instilled in them by their Mexican immigrant parents. They especially extolled the virtues of their MOM and her importance in their lives as a good example to her seven children! The two share about their dreams, struggles and accommplishments in the book they have written together, called "Dream In Color". I was so happy to meet them at Vroman's bookstore in Pasadena.
If you are a HOMESCHOOLER , or just want to be a better mom:
"Used by thousands of parents and students, Tutorhunt provides a completely free service for both tutors and students to locate each other. " (in the UK!)
Empowering Parents – a parenting blog, email newsletter and expert articles that deal with the toughest behaviors kids exhibit, including back talk, verbal and physical abuse, sibling rivalry, risky behavior online, and acting out behavior stemming from ADHD, ADD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Empowering Parents has a wealth of ideas to help you. You can get a
FREE newsletter by signing up at their site. Click here to see a sample. You'll be glad you did! James Lehman, MSW tells his story in one of their newsletters here: THIS one is AMAZING! In it he talks about his life, his new book, and the hard-won lessons he discovered growing up as a defiant, acting-out child. From being abandoned in a basement as an infant, to a life of crime and drug addiction in his teens, learn how James transformed his life—and how he’s teaching parents across North America to do the same thing with their own children. This is another great newsletter that ADDRESSES KIDS WHO FIGHT, and THE DEFIANT AGRESSIVE CHILD. Great articles for every parent.
FOR Real answers to BIG Problems, check out Total Focus, above, invented by James Lehman, MSW
Your kids are SO important. Don't give up. Try Everything. Don't EVER stop working to get through.
Abe Lincoln said, "You can't fail if you don't quit" ! He had several nervous breakdowns before he became president, but HE didn't quit either!
MORE great links with help for Drug Use and Domestic Abuse, below:
I know parents want to keep their kids from experimenting with Drugs, but smart young people want to help, too. One great student, Ashley, did some research on her own and shared the site below that has resources on drug and alcohol prevention and help for those who have no where to turn -Thanks, Ashley!
Nowhere to turn? The Sheepfold is a WONDERFUL Christian organization that helps mom's with kids: or call (877)743-3736
For a safety plan and referral to a shelter:
24-hour hotlines to Domestic violence centers
in West LA(310) 264-6644 & For LA County: 1-800-978-3600
Visit www. for amazing insight on how the brain is influenced by drugs alcohol and toxins. There's still hope to turn things around! You'll want to keep your kids off drugs, for sure!